Wi-Fi 6 Routers: Everything You Need to Know

Conversation around Wi-Fi 6 routers has been circulating for some time now, however, they haven’t been available or affordable until quite recently. According to Consumer Reports, Wi-Fi 6 routers were originally aimed toward demanding users like gamers. As of January 2020, many manufacturers have started to expand their lineup, causing the Wi-Fi 6 router to

Bascom’s Mission in the Community

Companies all over the world typically list a mission statement on their website or other marketing materials, but do they function and live by it as a team? After all, a mission defines and upholds what you stand for as a company. At Bascom Communications, our mission is to bring big-city access to rural Ohio.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fiber Internet

In one of our latest blogs, we discussed the science behind fiber-optic internet and took a closer look at some of the common questions associated with it. Fiber-optic internet is the latest change to the way data is transferred around the globe, across the country and throughout your very own community. It uses fiber-optic cables, which

Meet Brennen Schleter: March’s Employee Spotlight

Bascom Communications is thrilled to announce Brennen Schleter as our Employee Spotlight for the month of March! Brennen serves as an IT Support Specialist and has been with the company for over four years. Brennen began his career at Bascom as a summer team member and was quickly brought on full-time due to his strong